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How it works?

We independently produce parts and components!

Screen Printing
Screen Printing

A separate screen is used for each color in the design, and the ink is pressed through the screen using a squeegee to create the final design.

Heat Press Printing
Heat Press Printing

The design is printed onto transfer paper, and then the paper is placed onto the shirt and pressed with a heat press machine.

Service Outlets

outlets are typically staffed by trained professionals who can assist with a variety of customer needs, such as repairs, maintenance.

Technical support

While focusing on high-quality products, our company focuses on providing customers with one-stop worry-free service.

Digital Scanning

It has also made it easier to store and share information, as digital files can be easily transferred and accessed from anywhere.

Service Concept

Service concept refers to the underlying philosophy and approach that a company takes towards providing services.


Fast and Quality Service

Our company currently operates service outlets and spare parts warehouses in Ningbo, Zhongshan, and Xiliu. Additionally, we have established overseas offices in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, and Pakistan to better serve our international customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to T-shirt printing machines

 With a T-shirt printing machine, you can print a wide range of designs, including logos, text, graphics, and even photographs.

 The number of shirts you can print with a T-shirt printing machine depends on the type of machine and the printing method used. For example, a screen printing machine can produce hundreds or even thousands of shirts per day, while a DTG printer is more suitable for smaller runs of up to a few dozen shirts.

The cost of a T-shirt printing machine varies depending on the type of machine and the features it offers. Manual screen printing machines can start at a few hundred dollars, while more advanced automated machines can cost thousands of dollars. DTG printers can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars.

The time it takes to print a T-shirt depends on the printing method and the complexity of the design. Screen printing and heat press printing can take a few minutes per shirt, while DTG printing can take 10-15 minutes per shirt.